Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Upon arrival at the kennel, a peculiar thing sometimes happens. The dog doesn't want to go through the doorway. Perhaps it's not so strange. When that door opens, the sights, sounds and smells certainly overwhelm me, not to mention the hypersensitive senses of a dog (as mentioned in a previous post).

Yet, it is the door itself that seems to cause hesitancy. Once the dog goes through the doorway, they are fine. This same thing happens as the dog walks into an outside run from the hallway - a hesitancy to cross the threshold.

Why is it difficult to make that next step?

Fear of the unknown. It is common to man and beast. One of my high school teachers would question us, "What is the fear of the unknown?" "Something we don't know." "So it is nothing?" "yes" "Then why be afraid of nothing."

Simple - maybe overly simple - but that always helped me - why be afraid of something that is nothing?

Making the "next step" of our lives is hard, since we often don't know what will happen. Yet, it is necessary to experience change and the refining and blessing that awaits us.

What thresholds are you afraid to cross? What keeps you from making the next step? How can you overcome the unknown fears you have?

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