Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dogs in a Car

It's not quite "Snakes on a Plane" but it might be just as scary.  I mean, look at them.  that's about 200 pounds of dog.
You probably can't tell, but there's four of them in the "way-back" of my car.  OH, and the aerator motor was back there too.

Yesterday I heard something that caught my interest.  It was a Bible teacher reminding us that "God loves you all the time no matter what."  He went on to explain that God loves the "whole world" but doesn't love a planet.  He loves people, not a country.  He loves YOU, as if you are the ONLY one in His life.  And yet He loves each one of us that way.

Not unlike a car full of dogs.  I don't love a car full of dogs, but I love each of the dogs in my car (no, really).

It is up to us to respond to God's love.  God is rooting for us, hoping we will race back to Him, worrying over his lost son or daughter (or dog, or sheep).  Following God is far from burdensome - it is liberating and joyful.

God takes us to good places with our lives.  They are not always easy, but they are good.

Sort of like a car full of dogs.

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