Sunday, December 29, 2013

Maybe You're Small, but You're Not Insignificant

If you watch pop culture, you get the idea that to be "anybody" you need to be blogging, tweeting, and have scads of people you don't know following you on every social media site existing.

I don't know about you, but that is just exhausting.  As you can tell, my erratic blogging reflects how hard it is to do just one simple post (and expect less next week while I'm off on a wild adventure).

We make a terrible mistake if we believe that we live small lives.  That if we don't participate in glamorous activities and know the 'right' people we are nobodies.  Letting others dictate our place in the world is a huge mistake.  Society lies.
Check out Oliver and Mookie up there.  They are two tiny dogs.  In fact, they can fit between the gate and wall of the regular kennel runs (surprise!) and have to stay in their "loft apartments" instead.  They may be small, but to their owners, they are an absolute delight, a best friend, and a faithful companion.
Next time you are tempted to strive for that which is insatiable, consider the place God has given you in this World.  Maybe you think it should be grander, but you are important to God, no matter your status, job, or friends.  You are enough because that's why he sent Jesus.  For you.
Happy 2014!


  1. Lynn, I hope your "wild adventure" didn't lead to you being unable to post on your blog!!!! I miss your stories!!

    1. Thanks Melissa! Glad someone missed me! Fortunately the only thing that was wild was the weather so I was gone a lot longer than I thought. But back to blogging!
