Look how cute Ellis is, sitting there, mind his own business.
Then, I will walk by and he jumps up and nips my fingers.
It was unexpected. It was unpleasant. It was painful.
Which is exactly the same way I feel when I'm scrolling through social media. "BAM" I'm hit by a puffed out chest of someone who is very happy with how things are going politically. "WHAP" a pointed finger jabs at anyone who is very happy with how things are going politically.
It's tiresome. It's unhelpful. It's damaging.
First off, let me state you are free to use your social media any way you wish. In fact, up until two years ago, I shared my political views in limited fashion. Then I noticed that it was the least productive thing I could be doing with my time. I'd be upset, my heart would race, I'd be accused of outlandish things. So my current policy is not to discuss politics on social media, even if I agree with you.
Of course you should have your deeply held and well researched opinions. But how and where we share them should be examined.
So far, I've never seen anyone comment on a political post, "Wow, now that I've read that, I've really changed my mind about things."
What happens instead?
You, the poster of political things. What is the fixation and constant posting doing to you? Are you, in fact, addicted to the likes and comments that make you alternate between smiling and anger? Outrage addiction is real. If you are suffering from it, you are sharing your suffering. Political posts are either to have those who agree with you reinforce your opinions or to poke in the chest those with whom you disagree (and apparently hate).
For those who read your posts (whether they comment or not), I promise you one of two things happen. A spark of agreement and "you go Girl/Dude" jolt or a "How dare you" jolt hits. Are either of these contributing to a better world? The other thing that may happen is someone who is just trying to get through their day sees yet another example of strife and schism in our world, which adds to sadness and despair.
If you'd like to look at a still larger scale, there are many who wish to see this country fall apart. You are adding to it. Yes, you are. In your corner of the world, you drive the wedge deeper.
If you claim to follow Jesus, let's consider a few of his words. We are not to "cause others to stumble". In other words, if something is okay for you, but will contribute to the downfall of another, don't do it. We've seen the ugliest of political fighting on social media. I'm pretty sure feeding an ugly monster by giving the forum for people to behave badly is a stumbling block. Even if no one is engaging, just scrolling by, just seeing that ugliness adds to depression and darkness.
Jesus also said that what happens on the outside doesn't make us dirty, but what happens from the inside that makes its way out IS. "For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts...." (Mark 7:21).
It took me awhile to realize that I needed to change my focus. I could use the limited powers of social media for contributing to good, instead of adding to the black hole.
While I don't expect it will happen, I truly hope we all will reexamine why we post what we do. Think about the effect it has on you, your "friends", and your world. In my own little way, I have a tiny hope that this blog post may be more helpful than a political one.
Perhaps we can quit nipping each other. If you've made it this far, thanks for reading. Maybe you're not so bad after all.