Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Dog's Memory

There is a wide range of opinions on how a dog's memory and sense of time works. For the kennel, some owners worry their dog will forget all about them.

This is something I've never witnessed. It is rare for a dog not to wag its tail at its owner at the sight and smell of them! If they pass their owner at all, it is only to get in the car. If they had thumbs, many a dog would take the keys and start the car themselves.

Sure, they put up with me, and some will even admit they like me. However, when the owner shows up, I'm pretty much chopped liver.

Which is just as it should be.

There's just no substitute for the "real thing." When you want Dietsch's ice cream, will sugar cubes and sugar work instead? As beautiful as this world is, as wonderful as our very best relationships can be, eternity promises all these things foretell something even better. Perfect. The Maker and Perfecter knows that every good thing here is only a foretaste of what is to come.

It's enough to make your tail way.

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