Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Warning: Dogs at Play

Matilda has found a new friend in Ireland.

Since we are all suffering from cabin fever, it's been a good thing for both of them - and me.

We get bored in our culture.  We are so used to being busy with work, meetings, running errands, surfing the internet, that most of us forget how to endure when we aren't constantly occupied.

Yet "being still" is valued.  As much as we need to exercise our body and minds, we are also asked to seek contemplation.  How do you absorb the presence of God when a constant din keeps your attention?

Yesterday's frozen weather cancelled school and work for many.  The roads were quiet.  And, in a rare moment, even the winds were still.  It was so lovely and quiet outside...if you could get past the idea that it was 15 below zero.

Seek balance in life.  When weather interrupts your schedule, allow it to do so, and let a better moment fill your soul.

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