Thursday, July 15, 2010

Called by Name

After an owner leaves their dog in my care, the dog looks at me questioningly. Since explanations are beyond a dog's grasp, I revert to diversions instead. This begins by calling the dog by its name.

Many dogs look at me with some degree of surprise that I know their name. After all, they don't know me, how do I know them? I know much about them - how old they are, their quirks, the many other things owners tell me. Yet to them I am a stranger.

Knowing the dog's name is the first step in establishing trust and comfort while in my care. It's an important aspect of kenneling, in my opinion. A dog needs to feel as safe and secure as possible while away from their owners. I call their name. They take that little bit of knowledge and dare to trust me. Eventually, we get to know each other rather well. Mutual trust grows, their security lets them relax. When the dog returns for its next stay, we have a relationship.

Studies show that using a person's name improves relationships and makes the person feel positive about themselves and the person calling them by name. I've noticed that when I get an email that addresses me by my first name, I like it better. Now I'm more likely to send emails to people using their names.

At some point in our lives, we become aware of God. We may not know Him by name, but He knows us. He knows everything about us. If we take the first step of faith in getting to know our God, our faith and trust will increase. A thriving relationship can be ours, if we are willing to act on the little we know. And it all begins by God calling us by name.

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