Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thresholds, Part Two

Meet Dooley.

Too bad Dooley doesn't want to meet you. It's nothing personal, he's just, you know, one of "those" cats.

Dooley's past is somewhat unknown, but what is known is rather sad, so give him a break. He was a stray in the little town of Ada and a couple fed him, though kept their distance due to his constant hissing. Apparently Dooley didn't get the memo about not biting the hand that feeds you (or hiss). A friend of the couple called me and asked if I'd "remove" the cat (the couple had a poor grasp of English).

Expecting a fearsome cat, I was surprised to find instead a three month old orange cat, who was terrified but curious of people. Since he wouldn't let me near him, I put some canned food in the back of a crate. When he cautiously entered it, I quickly shut the door and locked it. Of course, Dooley was indignant. Though I planned to ship the kitten to the local shelter, he eventually changed his attitude toward me and I was charmed.

It's been seven years and Dooley still has not forgiven me. After a full day of sniffing around the pond for frogs or stalking grasshoppers, Dooley waits at the door to come in for the night. However, crossing the threshold into the house, even with the guarantee of food and a comfy place to sleep for the night, is extremely difficult for him.

Perhaps I should be impressed that Dooley has always remembered that important lesson of "once bitten, twice shy." After all, isn't it good to be discerning? Yet after seven years of nothing but doting on him (except for that minor incident of dental work at the vet's office), it seems that forgiveness is in order.

It made me wonder if there are people and situations in my life I need to recognize and forgive. If Jesus keeps no record of wrongs against me, why should I keep it against others? What about you? What keeps you from entering a safe home, where you can be fed and loved? What will it take for you to get past it?

1 comment:

  1. If only you could record Dooley's wailing so everyone could understand his discontent. If I ever had a "favorite cat" it would be Dooley.
