Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Acting Big

Do you remember the playground accusation that so and so was "acting big"?

Here's Oliver (hi Oliver). This past week, Oliver was the smallest dog in the kennel. However, he may have had the biggest attitude.
Terriers tend to be very confident in general and Oliver was no exception. When faced with a giant dog, he merely looked up and kept his tail alert.

What do you when you face a wall of opposition? Do you cower in the back of the cage or march up to the giant dog and stare it in the face?

From where do you draw courage?

For me, it took facing many difficulties to learn the confidence and courage that was supernatural. Only the Lord could change me from the inside out. There were so many things I feared when I was in my early twenties. I thought if I could actively worry about them, expect the negative outcome, then I could control it and prevent it from happening.

Now that's some messed up thinking.

It took many circumstances, far worse than I ever could anticipate, to drive me to God. Turns out I was not controlling the universe. In fact, I had very little say. At first it made me mad. Then it made me furious. But finally, it brought me peace.

Now there are few things I worry about. Having gone through a lot of tough stuff, I know I can do it again. This time, I won't be alone. With God all things really are possible. And that's how you face the giant dog in the face without backing down.


  1. The more I study the Bible, the more I understand what God expects of me. Which helps me through each day. I wonder sometimes how I will get through the challenges of everyday life but through Jesus I am better able to cope. And recently, my decisions (which I am trying to let God make for me) have seemed to have been the "right" ones for a change.

    1. That's a beautiful statement of your faith, Melissa. You've got more than your fair share of challenges!
