Friday, November 12, 2010

Taking Your Medicine

This is Bo (hi Bo!). Bo is a girl. Maybe her name is "Bowe."

This is Bo's medicine.

Guess who has to stick two horse pills down the hundred pound dog's gullet?

Me (not pictured).

I am very brave, aren't I?

Actually, Bo is a champ about taking her medicine. Sure, my hand gets a little slimy but that's because Bo drools when she sees and smells the cheese she gets as her reward for taking her pills.

Wouldn't it be nice if we knew when we did something very difficult we got a nice reward? This is a big problem for me. It seems like since I've been through hard stuff, I should get what I want. I argue with God about this. So far, I haven't won any of the arguments.

Medicine is for our benefit. It doesn't taste good, but it works in our bodies to restore our health. Sometimes (not always), I can see the tough stuff working out to be to my benefit and restored spiritual health. I don't understand how medicine works, but I trust when I ingest it, it will work. It doesn't give me super powers (like being invisible so I can take naps). It does what it's supposed to do.

Same with trying circumstances - we don't get super happy story-book endings. We get what we need (queue Rolling Stones tune). God knows what He's doing. I just need to trust the process.

How do you give your dog medicine? Do your struggles bring you closer to further to God? How long does it take through the process?

1 comment:

  1. ah, it's a process with me . . . just recently i said to God, "why do i have anxiety and often? i want to know so i can change what's at the root of it and face it head on." and i heard, "submit." more from me, "but i do submit, i know i don't always get it my way, but you do get it Yours. i get that." and i heard it again, "no, submit." just because we listen to our parent and do as they ask doesn't mean we agree. seems i tend to do the same thing w/ God sometimes. since hearing that, i see myself in a new light and i see things a little differently. i can assure you i'll be writing about this in my book . . . there's your little portion of what God's doing in my life.
