Saturday, December 4, 2010

Nathan Alan Willoughby Dreams a Better Dream - Fiction

Before Edie adopted Nathan Alan Willoughby from the Westwood Rescue Home for Good Cats, he was an outside cat. While relying on the pizza dumpster for food was a better situation than some stray cats experienced, it wasn't as good as eating with Edie every night and every morning. Cats enjoy predictable, repetitive routine, and Nathan Alan Willoughby was no exception.

While Edie's little episode and break down seemed to be a one time incident, there was still an unsettled feeling in the apartment. Nathan Alan Willoughby did not like that. Edie returned from work, but there was no zip in her step. She patted his head absently before slumping before her computer. It made him sad.

He took up his post at the window and watched the activity on the street below. There was one thing he certainly missed and that was being outside. Fresh air, even the air of a busy street and neighborhood, was invigorating. There was always something new to explore. Sometimes Nathan Alan Willoughby watched other cats scurry on the street below, having some adventure. One day, a man through a rock at a cat, and then Nathan Alan Willoughby remembered that maybe being outside wasn't so great.

Edie kept her routine of sitting on the couch with her large black and white cat next to her. The cat purred, and she watched television. He sat next to her, kneading the side of her leg with his paws. Edie sighed, "This isn't how it's supposed to be, you know." She scratched behind his ears, "There's supposed to be something more challenging, more interesting, less stressful..." she trailed off and stopped petting the cat.

Nathan Alan Willoughby stood up and stretched. He stared straight into Edie's eyes. She stared back, "You're right. Maybe it's time to think about moving." For the first time in several weeks, Edie smiled. This made Nathan Alan Willoughby purr louder. An adventure was on the horizon.

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