Monday, November 29, 2010

Meeting Another More Than Half Way

This is Shayla (hi Shayla!). Shayla is a very cute Shiba-Inu. This Japanese-based breed is known to be stubborn, brave, and charming. They can be a bit stand-offish with other people and dogs.

This was Shayla's first visit to my kennel. On the advice of the owner, I let her find her own way the first couple of days, not being too friendly or forceful with her. Also a very smart breed, she figured out the routine of the kennel quickly. It helped that she liked the home made dog treats I offered. After just a couple days, she let me know that she preferred the very first pen when she went outside. Shayla warmed up to me, wagging her tail when she saw me, and even being curious with the other dogs. Here she meets Tilly.

Often we encounter difficult people and we need to figure out the best way to approach them. Through complicated personality and experience, each person brings their baggage to the table. Sometimes one has to back off before one can move forward - give the other person space to get comfortable.

The Lord is never far away from us, and He longs to draw near. Sometimes we do not feel so generous toward God and we resist Him. However, He is always there, waiting for us to reach toward him so we can enjoy our relationship with him and others.

What holds you back from trusting others? Have you been able to reach out to others who are difficult? Aren't Shiba-Inus cute?


  1. Lynn, you hit the mark so many times with your updates & witnessing You have reminded me through your stories many times of what my life should be about GOD BLESS YOU and thanks for what you are doing.

  2. trust is something i constantly battle . . . so nice one. i only trust when i realize i must first trust the only one you can fully trust, The Lord, asking Him for wisdom in this area knowing when to trust and when to back off so as not to get bitten.
